Basics of Python Multithreaded Programming

  ·   3 min read

Multithreading in Python is a powerful technique that allows your programs to run multiple threads (smaller units of a process) concurrently. This is especially useful for I/O-bound tasks where executing operations in parallel can lead to significant performance improvements.

Understanding Threads

A thread is a separate flow of execution that runs within the context of a process. Multithreading enables efficient computation, particularly in applications with a lot of wait times due to I/O operations, such as network requests or file reading/writing.

However, it’s essential to be aware that Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) restricts the execution of multiple threads in a single process. This means that even with multiple threads, only one thread executes Python bytecode at a time. Despite this limitation, multithreading can be beneficial for I/O-bound processes alongside computations that involve more waiting than processing.

Getting Started with the threading Module

Python’s standard library includes a threading module that simplifies working with threads. Here’s a quick guide to start implementing multithreading in a Python program:

Step 1: Import the Threading Module

import threading

Step 2: Define a Function for the Thread to Execute

You need a function that will be run by the thread:

def worker():
    print("Thread starting")
    # Simulate a lengthy computation or I/O operation
    import time
    print("Thread finishing")

Step 3: Create and Start Threads

You can create threads by instantiating Thread objects from the threading module:

# Create threads
threads = []
for i in range(5):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)

Step 4: Wait for Threads to Complete

To ensure your main program waits for the threads to finish before exiting, you can join them:

for thread in threads:

Example Program

Combining all the steps, here’s a complete example:

import threading
import time

def worker():
    print(f"Thread {threading.current_thread().name} starting")
    print(f"Thread {threading.current_thread().name} finishing")

# Create threads
threads = []
for i in range(5):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=worker)

# Wait for all threads to complete
for thread in threads:

print("All threads have finished executing.")

Use of Threading in Real-World Applications

Multithreading can speed up applications such as web scraping, where multiple requests to the website can be made simultaneously. It is also widely used in server environments where handling many I/O operations in a short amount of time is crucial.


Python’s multithreading capabilities provide a way to run concurrent tasks efficiently, especially when dealing with I/O-bound tasks. By leveraging the threading module, developers can enhance the performance of their applications significantly while managing multiple tasks. However, for CPU-bound tasks, consider using multiprocessing instead, which bypasses the GIL.

For further reading and resources, check out the official Python documentation on the threading module or explore Real Python’s guide on threads.

By mastering multithreading, you can improve your development skills and build more responsive applications.

Further Resources