Deploying a Nomad cluster integrated with Consul and Vault provides a robust and secure platform for orchestrating workloads. This article will guide you through setting up a three-node cluster, ensuring high availability and security for your applications.
Before you begin, ensure you have:
- Three Linux-based servers (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04) with at least 2 CPUs and 4GB RAM each.
- SSH access to each server.
- Basic understanding of HashiCorp tools: Nomad, Consul, and Vault.
Step 1: Install Nomad, Consul, and Vault
On Each Node
Update and Install Dependencies:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y wget unzip
Install Nomad:
wget unzip sudo mv nomad /usr/local/bin/
Install Consul:
wget unzip sudo mv consul /usr/local/bin/
Install Vault:
wget unzip sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/
Step 2: Configure Consul
Consul will act as the service discovery and configuration tool for Nomad.
Create Consul Configuration Directory:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/consul.d
Create Consul Configuration File:
datacenter = "dc1" data_dir = "/opt/consul" bind_addr = "" client_addr = "" server = true bootstrap_expect = 3
Start Consul:
consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d &
Step 3: Configure Vault
Vault will manage secrets for your applications.
Create Vault Configuration Directory:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/vault.d
Create Vault Configuration File:
storage "consul" { address = "" path = "vault/" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 1 } api_addr = ""
Start Vault:
vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl &
Step 4: Configure Nomad
Nomad will orchestrate your workloads.
Create Nomad Configuration Directory:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/nomad.d
Create Nomad Configuration File:
data_dir = "/opt/nomad" bind_addr = "" server { enabled = true bootstrap_expect = 3 } client { enabled = true } consul { address = "" }
Start Nomad:
nomad agent -config=/etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl &
Step 5: Join the Cluster
On Each Node
Join Consul Cluster:
Join Nomad Cluster:
nomad server join <IP-ADDRESS-OF-OTHER-NODE>
Step 6: Initialize and Unseal Vault
Initialize Vault:
vault operator init
Save the unseal keys and root token securely.
Unseal Vault:
Use the unseal keys to unseal Vault:
vault operator unseal <UNSEAL-KEY>
Repeat this step until Vault is unsealed.
You now have a three-node Nomad cluster with Consul and Vault integrated. This setup provides a scalable and secure platform for deploying and managing your applications. Remember to secure your setup further by enabling TLS and configuring access controls.
This guide provides a foundational setup. For production environments, consider additional configurations like TLS encryption, access control policies, and monitoring solutions.