data recovery

1 Nov 2024

Mastering the `dd` Linux Utility: A Comprehensive Guide

The dd command in Linux is a powerful and versatile utility that is often underappreciated. It stands for “data duplicator” and is primarily used for low-level copying and conversion of raw data. Whether you’re creating backups, cloning disks, or recovering data, mastering dd can be a valuable skill for any DevOps engineer or system administrator. In this article, we’ll explore the various uses of dd, along with practical examples to help you harness its full potential.

1 Nov 2024

Creating Disk Byte Copies Using `dd`

In the world of DevOps and system administration, managing disk images and creating backups is a critical task. One of the most powerful and versatile tools available for this purpose on Unix-like systems is the dd command. This utility is often referred to as the “data duplicator” and is used for low-level copying and conversion of raw data. In this article, we’ll explore how to use dd to create byte-for-byte copies of disks, which can be invaluable for backup, cloning, and recovery operations.